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BP Oil Spill, BP Oil Spill Cleanup Workers BLOG POST

Organizations Trying to Help Oil Spill Victims

The following organizations have been actively involved in assuring that victims of the BP Oil Spill receive the medical benefits to which they are entitled. These organizations, and many others, are working at the political, administrative, research, legal, and grassroots levels to assure that you and your family are provided with the long-term and immediate assistance you need and deserve:

The Government Accountability Project

This past April, The Government Accountability Project (GAP), a leading U.S. whistleblower protection and advocacy organization, published a report that harshly criticized both BP Oil and the U.S. government’s handling of cleanup efforts. This highly acclaimed report took over 20 months to prepare and focused on the misuse ― and overuse ― of the chemical dispersant Corexit, and documented its health impact on cleanup workers and local residents.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Although we question the effectiveness of some of these programs, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is making efforts to assist victims of the BP Oil spill in the following ways:

  • Its Epidemiology Program is leading the NIH study on long-term health issues concerning cleanup workers and area residents
  • Its National Toxicology Program is studying the toxicological effects of crude oil and chemical dispersants
  • It is providing grant funds for researcher-community partnerships assisting affected communities
  • It has hosted a number of webinars, community forums and meetings throughout the Gulf region aimed at raising awareness of its research and support programs

Garretson Resolution Group

The Garretson Resolution Group (GRC) is a highly regarded organization appointed by the court to administer medical settlement funds, and to assure that all distributions are made in an efficient and fair manner.


Following are just a few of the many worthwhile charities throughout the Gulf Coast assisting victims of the Spill:

  • The Greater New Orleans Foundation’s Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund provides emergency grants to nonprofit organizations that work with oil spill victims and that address the long-term effects of the disaster
    • Volunteer Florida coordinates fundraisers, beach cleanups, and works to meet other needs of organizations that assist oil spill victims and the community at large
    • Oxfam America provides financial assistance and works to protect and restore natural environments that people depend upon to earn their living
    • Catholic Charities and the Second Harvest Food Bank work together to assist with rental and utilities bills, and to provide food to families affected by the Oil Spill.

Be wary of scammers posing as charitable and relief organizations and thoroughly investigate any charity that approaches you for information or promises money.

Law firms

The Downs Law Group is one of many law firms throughout the Gulf Region assisting victims of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster, but one of very few who handle claims for medical damages. Our firm is dedicated to the continued well-being of cleanup workers and all others who have suffered health problems as a result of the spill, and is at your service.