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Tag Archives: bp class action lawsuit

Effects of Corexit on Reproductive Health

As the years pass, there is now ample evidence that the damage from Corexit ― the dispersant sprayed onto the crude oil following the 2010 BP Oil Spill ― is not limited to only immediate and short-term effects. Corexit is now implicated in long-term and reproductive illnesses as well. In the year following the spill, Read More »

The Gulf Oil Spill’s Effect on Children

Two years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, an investigative report published in The Nation revealed that healthcare providers had stopped counting how many residents of the region were showing signs of illness caused by the spill, many of them infants and children. In matters of health and wellness, children Read More »

Can the EPA Protect Us from BP?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the government agency responsible for monitoring and protecting the condition of our air, water, soil and natural food supply. The agency is charged with responding to climate change, banning toxins that find their way into our air, water and food, and responding to and monitoring the management Read More »

Years After the Spill — Corexit Still Causing Illness

Following the tragic BP Oil Spill along the Gulf of Mexico, an oil dispersant called Corexit was sprayed onto the water’s surface at a rate of one gallon of Corexit to 91 gallons of Louisiana crude. A large oil spill, but by no means the largest in history, was followed by a cleanup effort that Read More »

Crude Oil and Corexit Cocktail Continue to Contaminate the Gulf

In the corporate panic to contain the largest spill of crude oil in U.S. history and the need to maintain a positive public media image, BP sprayed an unprecedented amount of the chemical dispersant Corexit into the Gulf of Mexico. Years later, the toxic compound of Corexit and crude oil continues to affect the quality Read More »

Do I Qualify as a “Cleanup Worker”?

Exposure to five million barrels of crude oil, which contains benzene, a known carcinogen. Working with two million gallons of chemical dispersants, which are linked to numerous health problems, including skin and respiratory ailments ― without the required protective clothing and equipment. A general increased risk of cancer and leukemia, kidney and liver damage, blood Read More »

BP Oil Spill Cleanup Workers with Medical Issues are Entitled to Compensation

If you, a family member or friend worked the BP Oil Spill Cleanup and have experienced any medical issues you may be entitled to compensation for you health issues. Contact us today for a free initial consultation about what our practice can do for you The Downs Law Group is uniquely well qualified to help Read More »

Blood Tests Show Elevated Health Risks for Gulf Spill Cleanup Workers

This article is discussing what we have been saying for over a year now. The BP Oil Spill Cleanup Workers are sick and dying do to the toxic chemicals they handled well cleaning up the oil spill. Please read this article. “People hired to clean up Gulf of Mexico beaches and marshes during the 2010 Read More »

Who’s Who in the BP Oil Spill Cases

The following is a background on some of the major players you are hearing about in the BP Oil trial, settlement and claims investigations: Judge Carl Barbier A Louisiana native, Judge Carl Barbier is a U.S. federal court judge appointed by President Clinton in 1998, who serves on the United States District Court for the Read More »

Risks Associated With Oil Disbursement Chemicals

Oil disbursement chemicals are designed to do just that ― disperse oil. Oil companies are fined by the federal government on the basis of the quantity of oil they have spilled, so you can imagine how anxious BP Oil was to disburse the 210 million gallons of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico Read More »